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5 More Reasons to Clean

Let's be honest. Many of us already know that keeping a clean environment helps keep viruses, bacteria, germs, and dust bunnies at bay. And if you didn't already know that, it's safe to say you at least know cleaning helps things not look and feel gross (side eye to my kids*).

But, what else does keeping things clean do for our overall health and wellbeing?

Well, Incase we didn't give you enough reasons to ignite your newfound passion for cleaning from our last post The Importance of cleaning

Here are 5 More reasons!

1. It helps reduce symptoms of stress

In addition to keeping the germs and dust bunnies running for the door, a hygienic living space can also have positive effects on one's mental health.

Cluttered spaces are often associated with feelings of being overwhelmed or out of control. Which contributes to the overall stress load we already tend to manage on a daily basis based on where you live and work.

Tidiness however, promotes feelings of calmness and control over one's life. Contributing to reliving symptoms of stress and overwhelm.

2. It Helps Increase our ability to focus

Making your bed every morning cleaning up after meals, picking things up as you go, and timely laundry folding & putting away can get you started on the path to a solid routine in keeping a tidy space.

And, by keeping your space organized and decluttered visually with a little routine now, it will help increase your ability to focus a lot more on demanding tasks later. This tactic for increasing focus and concentration works because it eliminates all the mental clutter from seeing and being distracted by other things around you that need doing.

It is also important to declutter regularly, as holding onto unnecessary items can lead to feelings of being stuck or stagnant.

3. Cleaning leads to increased sense of stability

Keeping a clean and healthy space should be a top priority for everyone. Not only does it help prevent illnesses and promote physical health, but it also has significant impacts on our mental well-being. So let's all strive to create and maintain clean spaces for ourselves and those around us.

4. Keeping things clean can help improve your mood

Keeping a clean and healthy space should be a top priority for everyone. Not only does it help prevent illnesses and promote physical health, but it also has significant impacts on our mental well-being. So let's face it, cleaning isn't fun, and sometimes it's just downright hard. However, the more we strive to create and maintain clean spaces for ourselves and those around us the more positive our space can help us feel.

And Last but definitely not least.

5. Emotional Regulation

Cluttered spaces are often associated with feelings of being overwhelmed or out of control while tidiness promotes feelings of calmness and control over one's life. Making your bed every morning, cleaning up dishes after meals, sweeping kitchen floors daily, followed by timely laundry folding & putting away.

These are all things that help give structure to our life. Whether we are electronic nomads, entrepreneurs, Stay at Home Parents, or whatever it is we do, routines help us have stability and helps regulate our emotions by helping us feel more centered and less frustrated when we can find our keys and shoes (unless you have a dog, then time to search those favorite hiding spots)

It is also important to declutter regularly, as holding onto unnecessary items can lead to feelings of being stuck or stagnant.

Keeping a clean and healthy space should be a top priority for everyone. Not only does it help prevent illnesses and promote physical health, but it also has significant impacts on our mental well-being.

With so much going on in this global community it's easy to get sucked into the whirlwind of mental chaos.

The good news is! It's not always so hard!

Learning good habits and taking time for organizing where we live, work, and play, while building simple routines to help us keep them clean, will help us in our overall health.

And give a BIG boost to how we feel!

And if you don't know where to start, keep following our blog for more tips and motivation to keep cleaning!

Feel free to leave a comment with any tips or tools that help you keep things tidy!

Remember Keep it Kind!


We'd love to hear from you!

If you are looking for professional cleaning and organizational services to help you get started or just lend an extra hand. Just give us a call and let us know how we can help you!

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